
This Article was written by: Del Sandeen
She is a writer for the About.com website and when I came across this article I thought it was really informative and would be great info for new Naturals or those considering becoming a Natural but believe some of these Natural Hair Myths are True. She is also a Natural and she writes wonderful blog posts and articles. Here is her link to her About.com BLOG! http://blackhair.about.com/b/ I Hope You All Enjoy the Info! :)

~5 Myths About Natural Black Hair~
Before relaxers became easily accessible, black people straightened their hair through a variety of means, many of which were very harsh and damaging. Although the majority of black women still prefer to wear their hair straightened, there has been a steadily growing movement toward wearing natural hair. However, there remains a lot of misinformation which prevents some people from accepting their hair as it grows from their scalp. They choose to straighten their hair because they still believe these myths about natural hair. What are the real truths?

1. Natural Hair Isn't Versatile If you think Afros are the only style for natural hair, you're missing out on a ton of unique hairstyles that are beautiful and healthy for your hair and scalp.
Some of the many natural Hairstyles you can do include:
       1. Two-Strand Twists
       2. Bantu Knots
       3. Braids
       4. CornRows
       5. Flat Twists
       6. Coils
       7. Locs
       8. Afro-Puffs

In addition, you can combine these styles to create your own one-of-a-kind hairdos. If your hair is short, that may limit your versatility somewhat, but the longer your hair grows, the more styles you can experiment with and enjoy.

2. Natural Hair Doesn't Grow: Black hair in its natural state has a tendency to shrink up, preventing you from seeing its real length, leading to the popular belief that it doesn't grow long. While everyone has a predetermined hair length that's due to genetics, with proper care, you can grow your hair as long as it is destined to be and you don't need a relaxer or perm to do so! A relaxer straightens your curls so that you can see length more easily, but the chemicals in it do not promote hair growth.

Hair grows an average of 1/2 inch per month, including black hair. Your hair is growing, but you may not be retaining the length due to chemical abuse, dryness, excessive heat styling and a general lack of proper care.

3. Natural Hair Is Strong Natural hair looks strong: which is why so many people accidentally abuse it with rough treatment. In reality, black hair is fragile and needs to be treated with the gentlest of care in order for it to flourish. Wide tooth combs, natural ingredients and your own fingers are the best tools and products for natural hair.

4. Natural Hair Needs Grease: Many products you'll find in the ethnic hair care section of your local stores are full of ingredients that aren't the best for black hair. Ironic, but true. Petroleum and mineral oil make up a large percentage of black hair products and all they do is clog your scalp and attract dirt to your hair. You do not have to "grease" your scalp for it to be healthy.

A better approach is to apply natural oils directly to your hair, paying special attention to the ends, which tend to be dry.

5. Natural Hair Is Hard to Manage: Natural textured hair can seem hard to manage if you attempt to treat it like straight hair. If you use the same tools and expect the same results that you would on straightened hair, you're going to be disappointed. However, once you learn to treat natural hair in a way that doesn't try to change it or alter it, it can be as manageable as any other type of hair.

You'll have to use different tools and different methods of styling. Your fingers, a wide tooth comb, natural boar bristle brushes and natural oils are all good ways to treat black hair. If you're used to dealing with straightened hair, learning new routines and techniques that work with your natural texture instead of against it will yield the best results.

Hey My Luvs!! So I not too long ago took some more pics with Fierce Establisher AKA My Camera Lol and I love them! :) I only took a few just to show you all where my hair growth is at the moment. I am Very Happy with the way things are going with my hair throughout this Natural Journey! Curls are POPPIN Left and Right! Makeup is setting off Fierce Looks Left and Right! And I'm Doin Me! :) I will post all the pics below so you all can see them and also see my makeup look I did today. I call it the Bumble Bee Look! Oooo O_0 Lol. It's a really Bold Look and I Love It so that's what's Important and I hope that you all Love it as well. It may be too Bold for some but I definitely understand that Luvs. I will be doing a nude everyday look as well really soon so stay tuned.

My Hair today was really a random frohawkish style. I had a totally different style in mind while defining my curls but ended with the frohawkish look and I really like it. I have been a really big fan of styles with various levels in them that are not on one level. I Love styles that have high and low levels, I think it makes an overall Great Look. If you all have some great styles I would love to see some of them! I'm always open to new looks and different natural hairstyles so please let me know. :)

 I hope you all are having a Wonderful week full of Positive Energy and may you continue to be Blessed :)

This is a video of me explaining why I went natural and how I feel about my hair to date. I've been natural for 2 months currently and I must say that I am truly happy to be a natural woman. I'm excited to explore this wonderful journey and inspire individuals that want to enter into the natural community. The decision to be natural was indeed one of my best decisions ever made. Enjoy the video! =) ~EVA~

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llustrious Art Blog will be coming soon! I will let you all know the day it will be published!

Thanks for visiting Elite Beauty 2!

In this video I displayed my updated deep conditioner with a touch of coconut! I have been on this coconut thing and I really wanted to add it to my deep conditioner. I must say I liked this deep conditioner better than the last so if you are interested  in the ingredients and how I applied the conditioner check out the video below! Have a Great Day!
HEYYY! So I have been wanting to do a post on a youtuber named PhillyDiva19154 for a little while, she really reminds me of myself in many ways lol. She is Hilarious and has a very friendly and bubbly personality. Here is a video of her showing off her SWAG PUFF Lol. I really like it. Definitely will be trying this style out when my hair gets longer. Hope you enjoy her videos as much as I do. Have a great day!
Hey Guys!!! I am here to give my final opinion of my AvaLaCada trial! I must say I am very pleased with my hair and comparing my hair from Monday to Friday I honestly LOVED my hair more and more towards the end of the week. I woke up every morning feeling like my hair got better than the day before. So I am Very Proud of the results I was getting overall. After this 5 day trial I think I want to gear this homemade product as more of a healthy hair food because it is a very healthy product with only things that are naturally healthy for us. So as I continue to work on it I think I’m going to make it thicker but maintaining the ingredients I already have in it. My focus and vision for my hair is to think less about wanting my hair to grow and focusing more on maintaining health. I know that is the big thing everyone wants but with healthy hair comes healthy hair growth. I want to explore this natural hair journey and remember each and every stage of my hair. I am very happy with my TWA and I’ve gotten the most out of it already and I still have a little ways to go until I reach the “Not So TWA Stage”. I am very proud of myself for being 2 months in and not being discouraged to go back to a relaxer. I’m so happy that even on my bad hair days or discouraging days I can still LOVE my hair. Here I am two months in and uber excited to explore this journey for the rest of my life =).. As for my AvaLaCada I will continue to make it better and better as well as working on being a 90% Natural Product User. I will be blogging much more as soon as I narrow down all this school work. I apologize for being M.I.A but I have not forgotten about my Blog at all. Thank you all for reading my blog and Here are my last photos from the AvaLaCada trial. ENJOY =)  ~EVA~
These are pictures of my hair styled for the day fully with a cowash, AvaLaCada Leave-In, and EVOO for a shine boost, and HETMS. i REALLY was In-LOVE with my hair today. It stayed the same all day and never looked dry and boring. I'm excited to see how well my hair is doing. Also, I went back to Whole Foods today to pick up some Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. The one I wanted wasn't in last week but they got it in this week. This lady recommended the 395 to me. There were like 4 or 5 different ones but she told me the smooth texture worked better in hair more so than the chunky ones. So being that it was $9.99 I was happy. Lol So as soon as I get a chance I will do a review for you all =) But here are the pics of my hair today!! =) =)

Hey Everyone! So I seriously LOVE my hair! My texture is improving and my curls are becoming more and more defined..I am sooo very happy to be experiencing this wonderful Natural Hair Journey it is indeed a great experience. I'm so happy I finally got to the point to make the BOLD decision to cut my hair off without that much new growth of hair. I hope anyone that is still transitioning or the individuals that have done a BC are just as excited and have no regrets about embarking on this journey. I promise you it may seem hard some day and you may have one of those days that temp you to just get a relaxer but tough it out and stick to your decision. There are so many inspirational videos and people in the natural hair community that can help you to get past those discouraging days. I hope you all have a positive and exciting journey into the wonderful world of the Natural Hair Community.

Peace, Love, and Nappiness